Thursday, 14 July 2011

New design onsale

Matilda is now available for sale via the website. I think that this is a lovely warm piece with just a hint of sparkle about it.


mdgtjulie said...

Lovely. Thanks a lot Vicki, another must have piece. I REALLY appreciate it.

Vicki @ India Grace Designs said...

LOL, I'm really glad that someone feels that way :) Even if you are silently cursing me for it - hugs!!

mdgtjulie said...

I would never curse you, silently or otherwise. I love you... Okay, I admit it, I totally would. But I'm not. Yet. I may have to make another donation to the keep Vicki designing fund soon. I'm looking for good peach floss for Crystal! And, yes, I'm looking for six stranded.

Shelley said...

Beautiful design. Makes me instantly think of fall :)