Due to popular demand after my last post I have released the Eid cards that I designed for my friend. They are now available in the cross stitch section of my site under 'cards'.
The original design that Marguerite was inspired by is shown here.
All designs featured here are copyright Vicki Mansfield @ India Grace Designs and may not be coppied or reproduced in any form.
Introducing my latest design 'Marguerite'. I am particularly pleased with this design. It was inspired by a geometric pattern that I created as a cross stitch Eid card for a friend. I liked the shape and wanted to see what could be achieved with it using hardanger and other speciality stitches. Added glitter is achieved by the use of Mill Hill Beads. The design is 8"x8" and uses 5 colours in addition to the beads. I hope to have the chart available for sale in a fortnight (Half term is slowing things down a little) It will be £7 for UK orders plus P&P for overseas.
I have been putting in some work on the castle that I mentioned in my last post. I am currently transferring the part that has been charted from 16 year old penciled charts to computer. It has taken me 8 hours so far just to do the left hand end of the garden wall and the pillar - this is going to be a long process!