This is my first UK magazine publication. It is called Rosa and can be found in the next issue of 'Stitch' The Embroiderer's Guild Magazine. It is issue 68 published on November 25th and available in larger Newsagents.
I am very excited about this as this is one of my favourite designs and the magazine is lovely and full of fabulous ideas. I will also be selling kits to accompany it through my website once it is released.
I have redesigned the front page of my website to show my latest designs and I am also going to create a gallery page as I know a lot of people have sewn designs using different colours and threads and it would be great to see them. If you have one you'd like displayed please email me a high quality jpg photo. I have also added a new guestmap as the old one had expired so please pop by and put yourself on as it's looking a little lonely right now. There is also a link for the India Grace Designs Facebook page.